Healing Isn’t Linear.
There is no timeline for healing. The journey of healing is neutral.
We live within a world that disregards the ebb and flow of being human and functions on the idea of “time.” Therefore, we’ve been desensitized to the fact that our experiences can have a long-lasting impact on our physical, mental and emotional bodies. Unlike the artificial intelligence that is consistently being pushed for us to accept, human beings need space to sit with, process, feel and explore what we believe are positive and negative aspects of change.
Healing is defined as, “the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.” I believe that it is important to understand that every human being may not align with this definition. For instance, many people may have never felt healthy or whole to begin with. What healing can look like is starting where you are, meeting yourself in the present moment, and exploring your needs one moment and one breath at a time.
There is no rush and ultimately the only destination that exists within the realm of healing is the one that you create for yourself. The creative process or journey can be as calm or chaotic as it needs to be. As the co-creator of your human experience you have free-will to experience healing in the ways that you believe resonate with your highest and greatest good.
With Love,